The Beautiful Rebellion Tarot has begun shipping!

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I love how the hand-poured wax seals make every deck an individual!

I am super excited–and proud–to announce the release of my first tarot deck, The Beautiful Rebellion Tarot! This interdependently publish deck is now available through my Etsy shop, ModernMysticRLC, in a limited edition run. Nearly a third of the 300 decks printed for this first edition run have sold through pre-orders (squee of joy!), and those orders were released into the world yesterday and are their way to their new homes.

Guys, this is such a huge accomplishment for me. I’ve been reading and collecting tarot for over two decades now (aaaaand I just made myself feel real old right there). It has been a passion of mine for just about as long as I can remember, and putting together this deck using such stunning artwork–another long-standing interest of mine–was such a wonderful, enriching experience. I am beyond excited to see how much love this deck has received in the months leading up to its release, and I can only imagine how much it will grow from here. (I’ve caught wind that there might be an unofficial “When Will Robin Need to Start a Second Edition” pool going among some local tarot readers already as well…)

Pre-Order Weekend (as July 28th and 29th of 2018 will now forever been known in our house) was a blast and went much smoother than I anticipated. (Take that, Mercury!) My wonderful husband, now dubbed Mr. Modern Mystic, pitched in for deck wrapping as I wax-sealed each deck. His hand-tied handy work was much appreciated and, I dare say, he did a better job that I could have done. With his aid, and the helping hands of my best buddies, we got all 90 decks up and out yesterday morning, and I can’t imagine having done it without them!


Mr. Modern Mystic is my hero for many reasons. His dedication to helping me with this deck is just one of them!


Our very posh deck-creating studio: a.k.a. our living room.


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Yup–for those with keen eyes, that is Critical Role playing on the TV while we worked. Critter love knows no obstacles–even a 6ft table stacked high with tarot decks!







And there she is–my personally curated, lovingly created, artsy-fartsy hand-made tarot deck. I all who purchase her love her as much as I do. I may be a tarot slut from way back, but this beauty has stolen my heart and I just can’t seem to put her down!

Copies of the deck are still available in my Etsy shop, and will also be available in my person for my NJ natives at the Soul Journey Release Party in Butler, NJ on Saturday September 8th. I will be attending and offering tarot readings at this year’s Ninefold Festival in Colorado Springs, CO and will have a small stock of decks available there as well.

PHEW! And that’s all for today’s announcements. Today I am a happy indie author/artist–but y’all know I can’t sit still for long! So, what’s next?

Another book or two, a hardcover art-style guidebook for The Beautiful Rebellion Tarot, another tarot deck (this one dedicated to shadow work, using vintage photography and a collage/scrapbook style) down the line… I have lots of creative goodies in the works and hope to be coming back to you soon with some new announcements and release dates!

In the mean time, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support.

Niiiiiight of the Hunter: Chapter 1 Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek! (1)

Yes, I sang that as I typed it. Yes, it is a reference to a 30 Seconds to Mars song. Here’s a little tidbit you may not have yet realized about my fiction… All of the book titles? They’re song titles too. I tend to get really into a particular album or band while writing a series and name each book for a song whose lyrics touched my heart.

Night of the Hunter is no different. In fact, this tale is probably the nearest and dearest thing to my heart. It is set in the first fantasy world I ever wrote in, with present-day incarnations of the first two characters I ever seriously wrote about. (Sorry Cat; I still love you, I promise!) Continue reading “Niiiiiight of the Hunter: Chapter 1 Sneak Peek”

Projects & Progress: March 2018

FullSizeRenderI have to start this off by saying, to all The Warding’s fans, I’m sorry. I failed you last year. I really meant to have the The Last Dance, book three in the series, finished and published in 2017. Sadly, that did not happen. For whatever reason, this part of the story has taken me a lot more effort to write than the first two installments. This part of the tale is just super slow going for me, and I don’t have a good excuse for that. I’m really hoping this means its going to be a stellar installment when all is said and done (and worthy of the wait!) but, in the meantime–I’m sorry to make you wait. Continue reading “Projects & Progress: March 2018”

The Modern Mystic Shop is live and you can save 10% with WELCOME10!

When I’m not writing fiction, I’m often slinging cards as a tarot reader. It probably surprises no one here that I am allllllllll about the #girlboss life! I will never giving up that dream of one day leaving my day job to write and read for you all full time instead! So, to my can’t-stop-won’t-stop mentality, the next logical step was to push my tarot reading up to the next level, giving me that extra income that will (maybe) allow me to spend more time writing and less time answering phones in the near future!

This month, I officially launched my own Etsy shop, loving called The Modern Mystic after my quirky brand of personal spirituality. A wide variety of customized tarot readings are available (with more being added all the time), as well as my most exciting new pet project: a monthly tarot subscription box!


Ain’t she pretty?!

To celebrate this much anticipated launch, and to thank each and every one of you beautiful souls for your continued support of my wacky little Warding world, I invite you to stop on by and take a look at the other passion in my life. From now until October 14th, you can use the code WELCOME10 to receive 10% off ANYTHING in the shop… including the multi-month tarot box subscriptions and a one of a kind custom tarot reading!

I think its pretty cool and hope you will to. Head on over and take a look. Tell your friends. Keep being awesome.

And have no fear; I haven’t forgotten Caitlin. She and I spent far too much of this year not seeing eye to eye, but I’m feeling myself again and am finally back to steady work on The Last Dance. The next installment of The Warding will be out in early 2018. Later than I wanted, but not by too terribly much. Promise.


Progress, at long last!

After a long creative drought, there is a lot going on in the mind and world of Robin L. Cole these days!

I’m (finally) hard at work on the third book of The Warding: The Last Dance. It took me much longer than I would have liked to get my footing in this one, but I have no one to blame but myself. Like Cat, I wasn’t prepared to be dropped into the middle of faery and needed to do some backtracking to figure out where I was headed. I’ve dug myself out of the weeds now and am hopeful for a late winter 2017 release. If I cannot get The Last Dance out before December, I will do my best to aim for January. So save up some of that holiday present $$$ and be prepared!

In addition to my next urban fantasy work (which I hope is eagerly anticipated), I am currently at work on three (yes, three!) non-fiction projects as well, all of which are near and dear to another passion of mine: Tarot.

The first book, co-authored by the amazing Valerie Colangelo, will be a workbook of sorts, featuring fun games and thought provoking exercises meant to help you learn to intuitively read your deck of choice. We’re working on balancing out the work and the play, and the first draft is looking good. No title has been settled upon as of yet. Expect to hear more about this fun venture in late 2017!

The other written project–which will not see the light of day until 2019, by my current best guess–is my personal take on a tarot-based spiritual practice, which I am calling The Path of the Modern Mystic. This book is largely based on the experiences I have had and the practices I hold close to my heart as a modern day pagan who relies heavily upon the use of tarot in her day to day practice.

The last project–which is likely going to be the most time consuming and is the biggest departure from my fiction writing–is the creation of my own “ritual deck,” a system along the lines of an oracle deck that can be used ritual work. This deck is something I started creating for myself, as my personal practice evolved and simplified, but I think it might appeal to a broader audience by the time it is done. I envision this deck being used in conjunction with The Path of the Modern Mystic, though it in no way replaces Tarot!

I have started the concept artwork for this deck, using watercolor markers as my format of choice. It will also be around deck. My reasoning for this was artistic at first. The first cards I was drawn to create were moon phases and cards pertaining to the pagan Wheel of the Year, as those were simple representations I wanted for my ritual altar that “normal” Tarot decks were missing. Then, the more I thought on it, the more a circular card made sense. The most important works of a witch happen within a circle. This shape was just meant to be for this deck.

Here’s a little sneak peak into my concept art sketchbook for the latest card I worked on: the New Moon:


So, this project is a loooooong way from final deck creation, but its speaking to my soul quite strongly and I can’t wait to share its progress with all of you. If you’d like to see images of this deck as it progresses, keep an eye on my Instagram. I hope to have this deck finished in 2019 as well, but as of now–no promises yet!

That’s it for now. There’s a lot going on these days and a lot of fun things coming in the days ahead! I’ve got more stories floating around in my noggin for Caitlin and Co. as well, so don’t think The Last Dance is the last you’ll see of them! If y’all want to keep reading her tales, I will certainly keep writing them.

I will try to post more frequent updates on Facebook as well as posting regularly on Instagram so you can all keep an eye on the progress of your favorite projects. I might even resurrect this sorely neglected blog. Who knows!

Much love to you all. Until next time…


See me at New York Comic Con Oct. 5-8!


My most favorite time of the year approaches once again–New York Comic Con!

I will be attending all four days again this year. This is my first year attending under my “professional” banner and, not gonna lie–I shed a few tears when NYCC graced me with a pro pass. I owe that all to you wonderful people. I couldn’t be doing this without you! Each and every one of you who are reading The Warding, enjoying Caitlin’s tale, and patiently (or maybe not so patiently) waiting for the next installment are my heart and soul.

As a thanks for all of the love and support you’ve shown me, I have some nifty Warding swag in the works for fans new and old that I will be giving out at NYCC. ::the maniacal cackle goes here:: Sneak peaks and teasers will be shown on my social media over the next few months.

So; are you attending New York Comic Con? Are you as excited for it as I am??

If so, shout it out! Come find me and show me some Warding love!

Fast is now available and First Hunt is free!

FasterFinal-FJM_High_Res_1800x2700Faster is now live and available for purchase!

To purchase Faster, please check out the Books section on my website, or follow one of the handy dandy links I will be inserting right here. You can purchase Faster in eBook form on Kindle, Nook, iBooks, and Kobo, or as a paperback sold exclusively at

Also–in honor of the release of the next part of Caitlin’s adventure, her short story First Hunt is free for the rest of this week. Grab a copy of that too if you haven’t already and find out what, exactly, happened the night of her first hunt.

I hope you all enjoy reading Faster and I can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

Iron Turns 1 Today

happy_birthday_cake-8Iron turns one today and… Wow, what a year it has been!

When I made the decision to blaze the indie trail and put my first novel out there for better or worse, I had pretty modest hopes. I honestly just hoped it would sell one copy to someone who didn’t already know me! Beyond that? I hardly dared to hope that it would sell a few hundred copies; enough to recoup what I had spent in the production and see me through the publishing of a sequel.

Well, within a few months that little book o’ mine far out shot my wildest dreams, selling thousands of copies instead of hundreds. And that, my virtual friends, is all thanks to you. If not for you, taking a chance in picking up a new tale from an unknown author, I wouldn’t be writing this post today. I really cannot express how much your feedback about, appreciation for, and general support of Iron has meant to me. In Faster (due out next month!) I dedicated that book to each and every one of you–and I meant it. Without you, there would be no me. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

When I decided to tough it out on the indie road to publication, it was a choice based on realistic expectations. I knew I was rolling the dice with Caitlin as my first person heroine. She’s a character that will be either loved or hated–and, so far, I’ve seen a fair amount of both. Each time someone complains about her whining or her frequent pity parties, I smile. It doesn’t bother me, although one might think it would. Instead, it proves to me that I captured her spirit perfectly–and that’s a spirit not everyone is going to understand.

To understand Cat (and why I’m perfectly okay with people rolling their eyes at her personality), you have to understand me. I was a strange, shy child. I had wild imaginary friends (the one I remember most being a pterodactyl), loved collecting and playing with Battle Beasts, and my favorite part of the Wizard of Oz was the flying monkeys. So, I was probably not your typical little girl.

I also grew up as an avid reader. As far back as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed time spent with a good book much more than I did the company of other people. (Still do, really.) Lucky for me, my father was a big fantasy reader and introduced me to reading early. I was devouring Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms novels by the 4th grade, despite those around me teasing me for “reading the dictionary.” (Kids can be so mean.)

Without that, who knows what would have happened to me. I was an introvert from the get-go, saddled with social anxiety and crippling panic attacks that no one around me really understood at the time. Fantasy, and later urban fantasy, were what kept me sane; kept my wild imagination growing, kept me from feeling like I was alone in the world. Books were–and still are–my escape.

I’m really not so much different now. Maybe by now I shouldn’t need an escape anymore, but I do. I’m still an anxiety ridden, depression prone mess. Better at controlling both, sure, but still not the type to strike up a conversation with a stranger or fond of jumping into new situations. This year I’ll be attending New York Comic Con alone for two days and that is a huge step for me. Mindbogglingly big, really. The me of three years ago would never for a second considered doing something so bold… or frightening!

Hell, I turned 35 this year and up until making the decision to throw caution to the wind by putting my work out there, I had no freaking clue what I was doing with my life. I have a wonderful marriage and a husband that I adore but, beyond that? All those normal “should have” pieces of adulthood are still missing. I found myself in my mid-thirties, still searching for a career, not owning a home, not even wanting kids and a picket fence the way all of my friends did. I was the odd woman out, as per usual. Then I thought, “Certainly I can’t be alone in that…”

That “what if” snowballed into Iron. Though I didn’t really know I was doing so at the time, I created Caitlin to both speak to the girl I once was and the woman I had grown into. The mouthy yet shy introvert; the dreamer who longed for excitement but who also feared change; the woman who wanted to believe in the fantastic but couldn’t quite accept anything that special happening in her life. Caitlin is a contradiction trying to make the best of what life is throwing at her. She’s far from perfect and she knows it, but she fights every day to make sense of the pieces sifting through her fingers. Not everyone will understand that; will understand her.

That’s okay. They’ve probably never had to fight off the black dog; ignoring that little voice inside that tears them down and tells them lies. They’ve likely never spent an hour or two locked in their own bathroom, trying to talk themselves into heading out the door to attend that big party where so many strangers will be. And that’s just fine. She’s not for them. I created Cat for those of us who know we are a little broken but hold no shame in it. For those of us who fail and keep on trying anyway. For those of us who know we could still be the hero of our story, if the impossible were to happen to us.

So, again, thank you to each and every one of you who has identified with Cat; who have emailed me or left such amazing reviews telling me, and the world, how much you love her and her story. Its those words that fuel me early each morning when I stumble over to the writing desk, barely able to see straight enough to brew that first cup of coffee (all hail the Keurig). It’s those words that keep up my motivation, making sure I get those words out first thing on the next story, and the next after that.

It’s you that I keep doing this for, and I’ll keep doing it so long as you want to know what happens next. ❤

Enter the GoodReads Giveaway for IRON and FASTER!

Can’t wait a month for the release of Faster?

Enter my GoodReads Giveaway to win 1 of 2 signed sets of both Iron and Faster, before it’s available for purchase!

Please share this post and tell anyone you think might like to get their hands on the first two book of The Warding about this giveaway.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Faster by Robin L. Cole


by Robin L. Cole

Giveaway ends October 11, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway


Faster Available for Pre-Order!

The eBook of Faster is now live for pre-order at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple iTunes, and Kobo! The paperback, unfortunately, is not available for pre-order (booooo!) and will not go live for purchase until the day of October 25th 2016.

To pre-order your eBook copy, check out the Books page or see the links below.

Later this week I will be putting up the first two chapters for free here on the website, so check back to get a sneak peak. And don’t forget there will be a GoodReads Giveaway for two signed sets of both Iron and Faster paperback ARCs starting next Monday–be sure to enter and see if you can get your hands on a copy of book two before it is released!

by Robin L. Cole

Publication Date: October 25th 2016
Book Two of The Warding

Caitlin Moore thought finding the Secret Keeper would make all her problems go away.

Not so much.

She can no longer deny the fae blood running through her veins but coming to grips with her new life as a Warder who is immune to the Gifts of other fae is the least of her worries. Kaine and Co. are still stuck in Riverview and she’d love nothing more than to get him out of her life once and for all.

The plan should be easy: find the key, use it to break the banishment spell, and send them on their way across the Veil to stop the mad High King. Only things are never so simple when the fae are involved. To key they need is an ancient sword long thought to be a myth. Even worse? They will need to use it to summon the Morrigan, a powerful goddess, and beg her to break the spell.

Caitlin and Gannon, her teacher and fellow hunter, race to find the sword but she finds herself confronted by new dangers at every turn. She must make the impossible choice between righting the wrongs of her past or fulfilling her promise to see Kaine home—no matter the cost.

Excerpts – Coming soon!

Purchase Links Now available for pre-order!